Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools Day

By: Sarah
Hi I'm one of the Dauntless Dogs and I'm going to be giving you a hopefully very good blog post.

     Well, today we pranked Mr.Lasko and it was amazing. What we did was we went into his room when he was not there and we TP'ed his room and stole a coffee mug, a jar of candy, a packet of gum, and his sun glasses and hat. But he caught us right when we were walking away.When we went to lunch he got us back by opening our locked classroom door knowing we would freak out. Nothing was missing as far as we could tell. I bet Mrs. A. feels so betrayed, because someone from his class helped us prank him, and then she pranked us. So that was our April we thought.

Then....later in the day, when we came back from recess, there was a sign taped to our classroom white board.
Ramona is our rabbit and we KNEW it was Mr. Lasko that took her. We had to find our bunny fast, because the school day was almost over! We spread out across the school questioning everyone, and no one seemed to know where Ramona could be. We finally had to give up, because buses were called. As we were leaving the school, I heard Mr. Baldarelli, the assistant principal put an APB out for our missing bunny. Mrs. Abernethy told us she was sure Ramona would be fine, I sure hope so, because we all had to go home and Ramona is supposed to go to Ashley's house for Easter vacation!

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